What is your wedding dress budget?
Under $350
$350 - $500
$501 - $750
$751 - $1000
Over $1000
I don't know
I don't have a budget

What is your opinion of our prices?
Too high
Too low
Good prices
I don't know

Do our wedding dress photos give enough detail for you to make a decesion on purchasing one of our dresses?
I don't know

Of the following which is the most important when making your wedding dress purchase:
Delivery time
Quality of photos

Of the following which is the least important when making your wedding dress purchase:
Delivery time
Quality of photos

When reading about our giveaways do you feel:
They are unbelievable.
They are believable.
I don't know.

Will our giveaways influence you to purchase from Elegant Gowns:
They will influence me to purchase with Elegant Gowns.
They will influence me to NOT purchase with Elegant Gowns.
They will not influence me.
I don't know.

Please add any comments/suggestions to our store and web site:

Thank you for your time!!