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Bridal VeilsIn this category you will find over one hundred bridal veils to choose from. And every veil can be custom ordered to your specifications. Some of the veils are offered in specialty colors which cannot be returned. These specialty colors are Sparkle White, Sparkle Ivory, Diamond White, Sparkle Diamond White, Cafe, Sparkle Cafe, Beige, Glimmer, Silver, Gold, and Pink. All of our bridal veils can also be custom ordered, Email us for more details. Most veils come attached to a 4" Metal Comb (unless otherwise noted).
***Effective 10/15/2011 all veils will come on the standard 4" metal comb; the 4” satin covered plastic comb will be $10 additional Most veils are available to ship within 1 - 2 weeks. For sample pictures of the many options we offer, visit our Custom Veil tutorial. Specialty Veils: From the classic Mantilla-style laced veil to the trendy birdcage (or visor) veil, we have them all! This collection also features gowns with specialty edges, embroidery, and beading. Standard Veils: Our standard veils section of Bridal Veils is a tool for brides to see what different lengths, widths, cuts, and edgings look like on a bride. Custom Veils: Our Custom veils is a unique system that allows brides to choose from option that literally give you over 1 million possible different veils! Because there are so many add-ons to the veils, these pages can be very slow to load. Please be patient, on an average DSL connection, the page load time is 20-30 seconds. . |
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